If the resulting file size is greater than 20 MB, we strongly recommend reducing the file size by increasing the values of the chordal and angular tolerance until the STL file size has been reduced to less than 20 MB, as the large file size can significantly slow down the computations involved in preparing the STL for 3D printing. - Minimum triangle side length set to 0.1 mm.- Chordal tolerance/deviation of 0.1 mm.

STL Export Settings by Major CAD Software Mesh Quality vs File Size: Our Recommendations Angular Tolerance/Angular Deviation/Normal Deviation In the guide we will cover the following aspects of STL files and 3D Printing: We’ve been getting a lot of questions from new users about these types of faceted surface characteristics on their printed parts, so in the interest of helping everyone get the best possible prints from their 3D printer, we’ve put together this guide to creating high quality STLs that will make for great 3D printed parts. Have you ever 3D printed a part that had flat spots or faceted surfaces where smooth curves were supposed to be? Or maybe you’ve just seen a picture of a 3D print that looked like it belonged in some low-resolution CGI from the 90’s? You are not alone, and it’s not your 3D printer’s fault - the culprit is likely a lack of resolution in the STL file that was used to create the part!